Emergency same-day appointments
For any emergency medical issue that requires prompt attention, please phone between 08:30 and 09:00am. Our reception staff will ask you some brief questions to ascertain the urgency of your condition, and if required will organise a phone call that morning from one of our GPs. If the GP feels it necessary to see you, we will make an appointment that same day. Our emergency appointment service is often very busy, so we would ask you to only contact us if your condition requires immediate attention.
General appointments
We can now offer GP appointments up to a month in advance. They will generally take place between 2pm and 4pm. Please call between 10am and 12pm Mon-Fri to book an appointment. If you would prefer a consultation over the phone, please advise our reception team.
Clinics and vaccinations
We hold specialist clinics and vaccination services throughout the year. Our Surgery Team will get in touch with you either by text message or phone call to advise you of your appointment. If the timing isn’t convenient – please call the Surgery to re-arrange.